A Sense of Urgency… Dealing with Light Bladder Leakage (LBL) After a busy day out and about, you pull the car into your driveway and park. As you step out, you h...Read More
Give Your Body a Boost Bounce Back Faster This Cold & Flu Season with Vitamin C Sometimes, even your best efforts can’...Read More
Silver and Gold…Getting Your Money’s Worth Out Of Curcumin Literally thousands of studies have examined the many benefits of curcumin over the past three-plus...Read More
Lost That Loving Feeling? Lost That Loving Feeling? Now, There’s Hope an Improved Sex Life! You love your life, now love an...Read More
Same Day Acute Care Service Same Day Acute Care Naturopathic Doctors at Integrated Health Clinic are equipped to diagnose and tr...Read More
Cardiovascular Health and Keeping it Strong Cardiovascular Health and Keeping it Strong Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a common health condi...Read More
Turning Back the Clock Turning Back the Clock: A Guide to Healthier, More Youthful-Looking Skin. They say that “youth is...Read More
Missing the Point: Healing Body and Mind using Acupuncture Healing Body and Mind using Acupuncture. It takes a leap of faith for many people to wrap their hea...Read More
Bedside Sonography at IHC Cancer Centre Sonography (Ultrasound) uses sound waves to create images that can assist physicians in making clini...Read More
Oncotherm Device Receives Patent as a Tumour Vaccination The Loco-Regional Hyperthermia (LRHT) Oncotherm EHY-2000+ device received a patent, US 20150217099 A...Read More
Key to a Happy, Healthy 2017: One Step at a Time “This is the year I finally ________!” (Please select one of the following, or feel free to make up...Read More
Combating Pill Fatigue: A User’s Guide Chances are, pretty much everybody who reads this has, to some degree, a health concern. Given the...Read More