Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese healing art which has helped literally billions of people and is now covered under your MSP health plan for qualifying individuals.
It is an essentially painless technique which employs the insertion of fine needles into specific points of the body to manipulate flow of bio-energy (called qi) thereby restoring balance, removing blockages and adding energy where necessary.
Acupuncture points, which lie on energy channels (meridians) are directly related to specific organs and physiological functions. This principle has been repeatedly confirmed by recent research in which obvious physiological changes were observed through the manipulation of specific acupuncture points. Acupuncture is part of a system of healing called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
What is TCM? Traditional Chinese Medicine is a holistic system for maintaining and promoting health. Its goal is to achieve internal balance between the mind, body and spirit, and an external balance with nature and our environment. TCM is the world’s oldest continually practised professional medicine. Its written history stretches back not less the 2,500 years and its practice is undoubtedly much older than that. It has a specific integrated system of theory dealing with human physiology and pathology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease.
Acupuncture is often covered by most extended health plans. ICBC and Worksafe BC also provide capped amounts for acupuncture treatments related to injuries.
Conditions Commonly Treated:
- Arthritis
- Back Pain
- Chronic Pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Headaches
- Joint & Limb Pain
- Ligament strains/ sprains
- Trauma
Conditions Commonly Treated – cont’d:
- infertility
- anxiety
- insomnia
- high blood pressure
- stress reduction
- allergies
- digestive ailments
- menopause symptoms
Practitioners Providing this Service
Alfred Man is a long time clinician in the healthcare field. He obtained his Registered Nurse (RN) and Registered Psychiatric Nurse (RPN) qualifications in England. He has worked in Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, Montreal and Vancouver. He has worked as a registered nurse, head nurse, case manager, adult mental health clinician and older adult mental health clinician in both hospital and community settings.