For millions of Canadians, trees in bud, lawns turning green and rolling fields is one of those good news/bad news scenarios. The long, cold slog and all that sniffling and sneezing brought on by a never-ending string of colds going through the office or the kid’s school is past — but is being replaced by all that miserable sniffling and sneezing triggered by trees and grasses coaxed back to life by ever-milder weather.
More than one in six Canadians suffer from hay fever, or seasonal allergic rhinitis. Depending on what a person is allergic to, allergy season can start in the early spring and last right through to the first killing frost of the autumn. In some parts of the country, you could suffer from March to November. Don’t let this impact your ability to enjoyment the wonders of being outdoors.
At Integrated Health Clinic we can perform focused environmental allergy testing specific to the identification of:
Tree pollen allergies – These type of pollen allergies arise from pollens emanating from trees like birch, oak, ash, elm, hickory, pecan, and box elder
Weed pollen allergies – These include pollen from small weeds, some of which include ragweed, sagebrush, redroot pigweed, Lamb’s quarters, Russian thistle, and English plantain allergies
Grass pollen allergies – Here the allergy is caused by pollens released by grasses such as Timothy grass, Kentucky bluegrass, Red top grass, Orchard grass, Johnson grass, etc.
Integrated Health Clinic uses both skin and blood testing for allergies to identify the substances that are causing your allergy symptoms. It is performed by applying an extract of an allergen to your skin, scratching or pricking the skin to allow exposure, and then evaluating the skin’s reaction over a specified period of time. Once the allergen is identified, focused treatments can follow that help you manage the allergy season.
Integrated Health Clinic is excited to offer a new and effective alternative allergy treatment – Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT)
What is Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT)?
SLIT is a method of allergy treatment that uses an allergen solution given under the tongue for the treatment of specific allergies. Over the course of treatment, SLIT increases the immunity or tolerance to the allergens, reducing sensitivity and allergenic symptoms.
How does Sublingual Immunotherapy Work?
The basis of SLIT is treatment of the underlying allergic sensitivity. Allergic symptoms improve as the allergic sensitivity improves. As a safe and effective method of treating the underlying disease, SLIT is capable of modifying the natural progression of allergic disease. Sometimes referred to as “the Allergic March”, this progression can begin with allergic food sensitivities and eczema in young children and progress through allergic rhinitis and asthma in older children and adults.
What are the advantages of SLIT Allergy Drops?
Compounded Sublingual Immunotherapy reduces allergy symptoms by treating the cause of allergy. There are many benefits with SLIT including:
- Excellent profile for safety and efficacy,
- Easy compliance – one dose daily,
- Reduced time spent for physician visits,
- Ability to treat a broader array of allergic patients and conditions,
- Reduced need for additional allergy medications,
- SLIT also provides a great alternative for people reluctant or unable to undergo injection therapy allergy shots.
Enjoy Freedom to Breathe!
Conditions Commonly Treated:
- Food Sensitivities
- Environmental Sensitivities
- Allergies
- Headaches
- Body Pain
- Acute & Chronic Reactions
Services Offered:
- Acupuncture
- IV and Injection Therapies
- Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT)
- Dietary Counselling
Specialized Labd Testing:
Quantum allergy testing – Quantum Allergy Canada
Blood IgG/ IgA/ IgE environmental sensitivities – USBiotek Aeroallergens
Blood IgE – Lifelabs
Food sensitivity IgG/ IgA/ IgE – USBiotek
E-95/ A-95 Food Sensitivity – Meridian Valley Lab
RMA FST- IgG Food Sensitivity Test – Lifelabs/Rocky Mountain Analytical
Mediator Release test (MRT) – Oxford Biomedical Technologies