Our Doctors are dedicated to supporting men through all phases of life with a variety of integrated health services designed to promote self-care, longevity and quality of life. The focus of our Men’s Health program is to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys.
We are the largest private clinic in the Fraser Valley with physicians experienced in delivering a preventive approach to health and wellness for men. Our work has proven successful in addressing the broad spectrum of men’s health challenges.
Additional information resources: (click to visit site)
Conditions of Focus:
- Cancer Prevention
- Cardiovascular Health
- Chronic Pain
- Concussions
- Depression & Anxiety
- Diabetes
- Digestive Concerns
- Insomnia / Snoring
- Low Libido / Erectile Dysfunction
- Male Hormone Balance
- Prostate & Testicular Health
- Sports & Nutrition
- Stress
- Thyroid and Adrenal Dysfunction
- Weight Management
Services Offered:
- Acupuncture
- Bio-Identical Hormones
- Cardiovascular Health Program
- Detoxification
- Injection Therapies
- IV Chelation
- IV Therapies
- Laboratory Services
- Laser therapy – Snoring and Toenail fungus
- Pharmaceutical Prescriptions
- Weight Management Program
Specialized Lab Testing:
- Protein Unstable Lesion Signature Test (PULS)- Lifelabs
- Comprehensive Cardiac Risk Profile – Doctors Data
- 24 hr Comprehensive Urine Hormones – Meridian Valley
- Comprehensive Hormone Insights (CHI)- RMA
- Omega 3 status – NFH
- Urine Toxic Metals – Doctors Data
- Adrenocortex Stress Profile – Genova
- Cardio IQ APOE Genotype – Quest Diagnostics
- Comprehensive Nutritional Panel – Spectracell