Outside the Box Cancer Therapies

Outside The Box Cancer Therapies

Outside the Box Cancer Therapies, a Hay House, Inc. publication by Dr. Mark Stengler & Dr. Paul Anderson.

In their book, my esteemed colleagues, Drs. Stengler and Anderson, deliver insightful information on the use of integrative oncology approaches to treat cancer. They describe the often unfamiliar nutritional and holistic therapies that can play a pivotal role in prevention, treatment and recurrence. I have a personal and professional commitment to these therapies, as is demonstrated by the work we do here at Integrated Health Clinic. On page 243 of their book, the authors have done me the honour of recognizing this commitment as pertains to the use of hyperthermia as part of an integrative approach to cancer care. Furthermore, during their discussion of specific therapies for the most frequent cancer types, reference is made to the hyperthermia section for most identified cancers.

Please click here to view an extract from the book. Download

I encourage patients, care givers, physicians and the general public at large to invest time in learning about the therapies described in this collective work, and their potential to make a difference in the treatment of cancer.

Please contact us at the IHC Cancer Care Centre receptionist via email at cancercare@integratedhealthclinic.com or phone at 604-888-8325, option #1.

Gurdev Parmar, BSc., ND

