Bowen Therapy


For pain, injuries and chronic muscle tension

Bowen Therapy is a method of moving muscles and tendons to allow the nervous system to switch into “calm” mode in order to heal. It is profoundly relaxing and is one of the only therapies where I’ve seen miraculous cures. I also have used Bowen Therapy as a balancer for couples seeking to conceive.

Bowen Therapy is a gentle technique aimed to switch the body from “fight-or-flight” mode (sympathetic nervous system) to “calm-healing” mode (parasympathetic nervous system). It is safe for all ages and is deeply relaxing. For those with limited mobility – such as in pregnancy – the treatment will be performed seated.

Conditions that respond to Bowen Therapy include: Frozen shoulder, TMJ, migraines, joint pain, and indigestion to name a few.
How to prepare for your Bowen visit: The treatment is booked as a 45 minute visit. Wear comfortable clothing & bring shorts for treatment of the lower limb.

For more information on Bowen:

Doctors providing this service

Dr. Nicole Duffee


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