Integrated Health Clinic utilizes an in-house Health Canada approved SQA-IO Sperm Analyzer. The SQA-IO is an analytical medical device that performs a complete quantitative evaluation of semen quality and semen parameters in less than 2 minutes. This high performance analyzer incorporates technology in electrooptics, computer algorithms and video microscopy to provide a quick, precise and accurate automated semen analysis. All samples are analyzed in accordance with WHO parameters. Testing is performed on fresh semen and completed within 60 minutes of sample production.
Semen analysis cost – $150 (results back same day)
For link to studies on the SQA-IO semen analyzer, and studies comparing automated semen analysis verses manual analysis, click link below:
We encourage you to visit Integrated Health Clinic to learn more about this treatment. Please call Integrated Health Clinic at (604)888-8325 to make an appointment.

Intralipid Therapy
Infertility and Recurrent Miscarriages / Women's Health
6-Phased Fertility Program
Infertility and Recurrent Miscarriages
IUI Procedures
Infertility and Recurrent Miscarriages
Semen Analysis
Infertility and Recurrent Miscarriages