Why an IUD?
IUD’s are used around the world as primary birth control options. They are 99% effective in preventing pregnancy and Copper IUDs are over 99% effective as an emergency contraceptive up to 7 days after unprotected sex. IUD’s give 5-10 years of protection and once removed, fertility returns. They are cost effective, and once in place, offer couples greater protection without the hassle of condoms or side effects of hormones like the birth control pill. There are two types of IUDs available in Canada, Copper IUDs and Progesterone releasing IUDs.
Why an IUD at Integrated Health Clinic?
IUD insertions have been known to be painful and stressful for women. This does not need to be the case. At Integrated Health Clinic, local freezing is administered and certain prophylactic medications are given to aid in more comfortable, smoother IUD insertions. Ultrasound is used before and after every insertion to learn uterus position, and then confirm proper IUD placement. This gives the patients peace of mind knowing that the IUD is situated properly for maximal effectiveness for contraception.
Your Body On IUD Birth Control, An overview video, CLICK HERE
All IUD insertions need a pre-assessment screening visit (10min) prior to the insertion appointment. This appointment can be via phone or virtual.
To book call (604)888-8325
An IUD is best inserted between Day 3- Day 15 of your menstrual cycle. Your cervix is naturally more open during this time, which makes for an easier insertion. At Integrated Health Clinic, an endovaginal ultrasound is done prior to insertion to locate and visualize the shape of your uterus. This also ensures that you don’t have any structural abnormality which would exclude you as a candidate for an IUD. After that, a speculum is inserted, much like the beginning of a Pap test. Some freezing is applied to your cervix and then the depth of your uterus is measured. You will likely experience a little pinching and cramping at this time and during the insertion to follow. It generally takes less than 15 minutes from beginning to end. It is advisable that you take 400mg of Ibuprofen 1 hour prior to the appointment to minimize your discomfort. After the IUD is inserted, another ultrasound is preformed to ensure the IUD is in correct placement within your uterus. You will be asked to remain in the clinic for 20-30 minutes post insertion.
The initial side effects are cramping and spotting. The spotting usually lasts 3 to 14 days. Cramping is usually strongest the day of insertion, and tapers off within 24-48 hours. Infection is a potential side effect, that it minimized by treating higher risk women with one dose of antibiotics right after the insertion. If you are at higher risk for infection (i.e. several sexual partners within the past year, +/- history if STI), than a one time dose of antibiotics will be given after your insertion. Infection will present with fever, abdominal pain and foul smelling discharge within 2 weeks after insertion. Perforation of the uterus happens in 1/1600 people. This is most common in post part women. This would be detected on your post procedure ultrasound, and a referral to your local hospital would be necessary to remove the IUD. The uterus would heal itself within a few weeks, with no impairment to future fertility.
Copper IUD’s: can cause 30-50% heavier periods, 5% of women will expel the IUD within the first year. Copper IUD’s traditionally have a nickel core, which can cause local irritation in those women with nickel sensitivity. In 2019, a copper IUD with a silver core was approved by Health Canada. It is hypothesized that the silver core IUD may cause less inflammation and bleeding in those nickel sensitive women. Integrated Health Clinic offers the choice of silver core copper IUD and the standard nickel core copper IUD.
Kyleena IUD’s: little to no hormonal side effects. Most women maintain ovulation, with very light periods.
Mirena IUD’s: 5-10% of women will have some hormonal side effects (weight gain, acne, depression, breast tenderness) however most women will stop ovulating and lose their menstrual cycle.
The cost of the IUD’s vary depending on the type.
Copper IUD’s – $75.00 (provided in clinic)
Kyleena and Mirena IUDs are prescriptions (pick up at pharmacy) and cost around $400.00.
*Often times the Kyleena and Mirena IUDs are covered under drug plans, but you need to check with your insurance provider.
IUD screening (pre-assessment -virtual/ 10 min) – $40.00
IUD insertion fee (30 min)- $115.00.
IUD removal and insertion (45 min) – $180
IUD removal (15 min) – $65.00
IUD follow-up visit (15 min) – $65.00
* screening pap tests and STI testing is available at visits for no additional charge
There are several Health Canada Approved IUD’s. The following chart lists those approved IUD’s that are offered and inserted at IHC.
Liberte UT 380 Short – 5yrs
Liberte UT 380 Standard – 10yrs
Liberte TT 380 Short – 5yrs
Liberte TT 380 Standard – 10 yrs
Liberte UT 380 Short (silver core) – 5yrs
Liberte UT 380 Standard (silver core) – 5yrs
Kyleena (19.5mg levonorgestrel) – 5yrs
Mirena (50mg levonorgestrel) – 5yrs
Copper IUD (Liberte UT and TT) – $75 (5 or 10 years) Copper IUDs are less expensive and have no hormones. They are very effective with about 1 in 100 people getting pregnant in a year. They usually make periods heavier, longer and sometimes more painful. There are no systemic side effects from a copper IUD, such as weight gain, mood changes, nausea, sore breasts, etc. Copper IUDs can have nickel cores or silver cores. It is estimated that 10-20% of women may have sensitivities to nickel, and is suggested a silver core copper IUD may not cause such dramatic increases in bleeding and cramping in those women.
Kyleena 19.5mg – approx. $400 (5 years) – low dose levonorgestrel (progesterone releasing). Most women will continue to have regular periods, but they are very light to perhaps just spotting. In studies, most people who use this dosage continue to ovulate, and have normal ovarian function. There are few systemic side effects, as the hormone dose is low and mostly contained to uterus.
Mirena 50mg – approx. $400 (5 years) – higher dose levonorgestrel (pregesterone releasing) About 10% of people will get the IUD removed for hormone side effects such as weight gain, mood changes or acne. Most people get some spotting in the first month or two after their Mirena has been inserted, but then period usually disappears for remainder of the 5 years. Often will inhibit ovulation completely.
Emergency Contraception
Contraception (BCP and IUD’s)
Contraceptive Implants
Contraception (BCP and IUD’s) / Myfegymiso- medical abortion pill / Nexplanon- contraceptive rod
Hormonal Contraception
Contraception (BCP and IUD’s)
IUD Insertions/Removals
Contraception (BCP and IUD’s) / IUD Insertions and Removals