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Kevin A.

6 Jan 2017

Integrated Oncology and Hope

I have been accompanying a good friend to hyperthermia treatments for three and a half years. I am not related and my role has just been supportive. During the journey my friend has been on in his fight with cancer I’ve had the privilege of observing him in the various stages of his treatments and watch his responses, both physically and emotionally. I have accompanied him to doctor’s visits. There have been ups and downs.

It is evident that the treatment he is receiving is valuable. We are now years down the road when the prognosis was only months to live. And I see three components to that treatment: medical, naturopathic, and hope.

It is evident to me through my friend’s life, and also through the expressions of other patients we have talked to in the clinic, that hope is a significant factor in the battle against cancer. The medical system itself offers little to none, and that causes such an internal struggle for cancer patients.

But our experience with Dr. Parmar has been such the opposite – Dr. Parmar is a dispenser of hope. Without articulating that point, I have repeatedly seen my friend respond so positively. There have been times when test results weren’t the most encouraging, but there was still hope. It seems with hope that treatment results and quality of life have improved time and again. Hope may not be a quantifiable ingredient in cancer care, but it is powerful and real. It is part of the person that Dr. Parmar is.
Kevin A.

