Palliative Care – Definitions
Please find below definitions that can help support patients and their families in understanding terms they may become exposed to during the palliative care process.
- A capable adult thinking, talking, and documenting their beliefs, values, and wishes regarding future health care treatments. This information can then be referenced in the event the adult is unable to speak for themselves.
- A legal document created by a capable adult that outlines decisions regarding the acceptance or refusal of specific healthcare treatments, including life support and life-prolonging interventions. This document is intended for healthcare providers in the event that the adult unable to make decisions.
- It does not need to be prepared up by a lawyer or notary.
- Must state:
- A healthcare provider may not administer any healthcare services that you have declined in your advance directive.
- A person may not be selected to make decisions on your behalf regarding any health care for which you have provided written instructions on in this directive.
- Capability
- All adults are presumed capable of making healthcare decisions to until there is clear evidence on the contrary. This decision may be based on:
- Understanding information related to their health decisions.
- Understanding the nature of the proposed healthcare.
- Understanding the information provided applies to them.
- Committee
- A person appointed by the court to make healthcare and personal decisions for the benefit of an adult who is incapable of making decisions independently.
- All adults are presumed capable of making healthcare decisions to until there is clear evidence on the contrary. This decision may be based on:
- A legal document that enables adults to designate another individual to manage their financial and legal affairs in the event that they are unable to do so themselves.
- General POA: can be limited to a single bank account or a specific asset, or it can encompass all financial and legal affairs for a designated period of time.
- Enduring POA: designates an individual to manage your legal and financial affairs in the event that you require assistance with decision-making or become incapable of making decisions on your own.
- PDF of the Enduring POA form
- Representation Agreement
- A legal document in which a competent adult designates a representative to make decisions on their behalf in the event that they become unable to do so.
- Section 7: Standard Representation Agreement
- Allows: decisions regarding healthcare, personal care, legal matters, or routine financial decisions.
- Does not permit: decisions regarding life support or life-prolonging medical interventions on your behalf.
- Must include:
- Certificate of Representative or Alternate Representative
- Certificate of Monitor
- Certificate of Person Signing for the Adult
- Certificate of Witness
- PDF of Agreement
- Section 9: Enhanced Representation Agreement
- Allows: decisions regarding personal care and health care, including life support and life-prolonging medical interventions.
- Does not permit: financial and legal decisions
- PDF of Agreement
- Temporary Substitute Decision Maker
- A person designated to make decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so and have not legally appointed an individual.
- Chosen by a doctor or health care provider
- The person must be over 19 years old, capable, have no disputes with you, and have been in contact within the past year.
- Approach list is as follows:
- Your spouse
- Son or Daughter
- Parent
- Brother or sister
- Grandparent
- Grandchild
- Anyone else related to you by birth or adoption
- A close Friend
- Personal immediately related to you by marriage